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Bezeichnung/description Riley with Laminoid
Jahrgang/year 1931
Kennzeichen/registration VC8601
Chassis-Basis/chassis base Riley 9
Chassisnummer/chassisnumber n/a
Chassisjahrgang/chassis year 1931
Motortyp/engine typ n/a
Motornummer/engine number n/a
Motorjahrgang/engine year n/a
Bodyhersteller/bodymanufacturer n/a                 
Renngeschichte/race history
weitere Informationen/more infos experimental bodywork with the material called LAMINOID, containing asbestos-fibres and was moulded into shape, an early form of GRP (Fibreglass)
Coventry registration
Meine Email/my email here
zum Verkauf/for sale Nein/no
  • Riley_VC8601;Riley_Register